How to use copying pencils

Nowadays people doesn’t know much about copying pencils. It is surely part of our past, lived a long life and used by generations. Copying pencil is very different tool than normal writing pencil. Using one of it is an exciting thing, but need some basics to know.

Tooth marks. Keep away from mouse! 🙂

If you don’t know what kind of pencil is this, you can get an insight by this article from Liz Dube or can go to further readings. Also you can find a lot of example in my collection to see how they look like.

Researching this topic isn’t an easy task to do because there’s very little information out there. Yesterday accidentally I found a information paper inside a pencil box from the 1930s. I have used that document extended with my own experiences.

Safety instructions for copying pencils

Water damage caused crack in the wood

Every copying pencil should handle with special care. These tools are really sensitive and we would want to preserve its quality. Also these can be dangerous to our health or to our environment with improper usage.

Lead can change by environmental effects like humidity or dryness.  So avoid the extremes, do not expose it to direct heat or moisture. Store in a cool place at average humidity.

Cellar or attic never was and never will be a good place for store them. The best practice is to keep it inside pencil boxes in your room inside a cabinet that is away from any radiating heat or possible water sources.

During usage

When you simply write or draw color is close to gray. After the paper absorbs some humidity or contacts with water the color turns to bright purple.

Lead can broke, especially when it is just sharpened and has a point like a needle while you are start to use it with some pressure on paper. It may not surprising you, but let me tell you, that those bouncing fragments can be more dangerous in case of copying pencil lead than normal graphite pencils. To avoid that, be careful and just do not sharpen it too much!

The main advantage of copying pencil is its indelible color therefore lasting writing. On the other hand this quality can be the root of the dangers it holds. Namely color ingredient are very aggressive. You can’t clean it off easily even from the bathroom’s porcelain. So what you should take care of:

  • Not to smudge on paper,
  • Avoid to pierce your skin,
  • coloring your hand or clothes.
  • Do not take it to your mouth!
  • Watch your eyes!

After use

Original pencil lead protector designed for copying pencils.

To avoid accidents use some lead protector that can ensure your safety, also protects the lead itself!

If you haven’t one, put it away into your drawer or back to its box after use. These kind of pencils is worth to handle with extra care.

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